Jessica Alba Gives Birth to Daughter Haven Garner Warren
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Jessica Alba was born on Saturday, weighed 7 lbs and was 19 inches long. Healthy and happy!" Alba wrote. "Big sister Honor couldn't be more excited about the new addition to our family."

As of last month, Alba was still getting things ready for her family's newest addition. "The nursery isn't ready. It's not even close, but I'm accumulating things," she told Us.
In the beginning the baby stays with me in the room, so you don't need the nursery ready so soon. We're remodeling our house, so it's going to take a few months. I'm really taking my time."
The actress admits she wasn't very "chill" during the birth of her first child, so she took "hypnobirth classes" to prepare for the delivery of baby number two.
It's not like the clock in front of your face and you go out and you wake up and you got a baby," she joked on the Ellen DeGeneres Show in May. "Basically my husband takes me through sort of a meditation.
He'll say, 'You're relaxed, and you're floating on clouds' while you're going through labor and your contractions.
I'm just concentrating on breathing and staying relaxed because it's when you get tense that makes the whole labor worse and more painful. That's all it is. It's not like a weird thing."
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