Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorce
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorce
The only thing the tabloids adore more than a rumoured pregnancy is a good ol' celebrity and Katie Holmes's "shocking split", as People magazine adorably described it, was always going to be a doozy. While the People magazine offices are presumably still in a state of "shock", as silent as a Scientologist mother giving birth who is biting back her screams of pain so as "not to traumatise the baby", the reaction of others is more akin to the tone conveyed by one headline on the gossip website Gawker: "
Scientology may, ultimately, be no wackier in its beliefs than any mainstream religion but the image around it, fanned by articles last year detailing screenwriter's Paul Haggis eventual abandonment of the beliefs, certainly make it seem weirder. (Heck, even which feels a little like the death of irony.)
Within mere hours of the divorce announcement, such theories were springing up on the internet, an environment that encourages conspiracists like damp encourages moss. But how to keep them all straight? And how to discern the completely ridiculous from the completely ridiculous but probably true? Allow me to guide you with my expertise knowledge, which is just as reliable and in-the-know as anyone else spouting off about this in the papers:
1. Katie couldn't take being controlled by psycho Tom any more and ran away in the dead of night to rip her high heels-wearing daughter from the evil claws of Scientology
Well, it certainly sounds and looks plausible. But it also sounds a little like the plot of that 1991 piece of cinematic ridiculousness, a film not coy with its racism, starring Sally Field in a permanently anguished expression. So there's that, too.
2. Tom doesn't like women over the age of 33
All of Tom's three marriages have all ended when his wife was 33. Which was also the age Jesus died. So maybe each of Tom's wives was Jesus? No, that's ridiculous – Jesus would never have co-starred in Far and Away, never mind Jack and Jill. Anyway, more relevantly (maybe), the number 33 is significant in Scientology because it is known as the "Master Teacher" (and why not, right?), which "represents altruism and raising mankind's positive energy in numerology". What that has to do with divorce, which is not known for being full of "positive energy", is anyone's guess.
Not only that, but each wife was born 11 years after the previous one: Holmes was born in 1978, Nicole Kidman in '67 and Mimi Rogers in '56. So Hollywood starlets born in '89, your time has come, you lucky, lucky ladies! Taylor Swift, I'm winking at you
3. James van der Beek put his foot down
Seriously, Joey Potter, enough of this already! You were supposed to be with Dawson, then you went off with Pacey, then you went really off piste and ran off with that movie star guy from outta town. And as everyone who watches TV knows, you should never go with the out-of-towner. Seriously, was I the only one who paid attention to that Ross and Emily plot in Friends? So now, at last, we can finally have that Dawson's Creek reunion some of us have been waiting far too long for (you know Tom would never have allowed his wife to go back to the Creek). Joey and Dawson can finally get married and have meaningful talks on the porch until the end of time and, with Tom loved up with Taylor Swift, it would be happy endings all round!
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